What is art? Art is a representation of truth. That is what it should be. Art has been an integral part of the human experience going back to time immemorial. To understand nature is to understand truth. Nature is a ferocious force. It is billions of years old. Human history is a mere 5000 years. Humans only exist in accordance with nature's laws. There is a level of violence and terror in nature that is beyond human comprehension. Here at Underground Web World we behold the full power of nature. From our mountain top home we can see the horizon for miles around us. We can watch the storms pass over the landscape. We document the terror, the magic and the mystery of the natural world. We try to bring alive the subconscious message of nature's power as well as what can be seen with the human eye. Below is one of our pictures.
In our creative photography projects, we place human beings in their proper perspective, as a part of nature's world.
This is not a new concept. You can even see it in this picture from the Tang Dynasty in China over 1000 years ago. The Emperor of all of China is but a small figure at the bottom of the
painting. Truth does not change. Yesterday, today and tomorrow it remains the same. Today many artists in our time celebrate the connection to nature. We try to distribute their message. Today, strong, spiritual women seek power in the world of nature. Today we help shatter the chains in the mind so people can see the truth.
OUR GOAL IS TO INSPIRE A GLOBAL NETWORK OF ARTISTS HERE IS HOW TO GET STARTED IN CREATING YOUR OWN ART Now it is possible via computer graphics and other modern mediums to create art in a way that is quick and affordable. Good quality digital cameras can be obtained for under $200 and many phones now have good cameras. We like the use of all weather cameras so we can concentrate on creating great art in any conditions. The line between art and photography is disappearing. You can create great photographs of nature's wonders. Via the internet you can post them for all to see. We use models in creative photo shoots, and the ability to turn these photos into greater works of art via mediums such as Photoshop. Some ideas for photographs are powerful women in the woods, using masks, using candles or lanterns to play with lighting, standing in front of graffiti or just capturing the natural scenery in your area. We're not going to try and micro-manage the creative process. We're sure you have many of your own ideas. But we're here to encourage artists to use their own abilities to come up with something creative and exciting. Art is 100 years ahead of today's politics. With art you have the ability to connect people to what is truly important in life, and that ability is within you. You just need to find the right tools to bring it out. Check out our website below. IDEAS Reading List for the Global Primeval Revolution CREATE YOUR OWN ART Guide for Artists: Using Modern Technology to Carry out an Ancient Responsibility WHAT WE HAVE CREATED: A SMALL SELECTION Creative Photography: A Collection of our Work Underground Web World Picture Gallery VISUAL ARTS LINKS Landscape Photography Links Hudson River School of Painting Science Fiction Art Science Fiction Art Technical Manuals Tattoo Art Photography Music Photographers USING PHOTO ESSAYS TO PAINT A SPIRITUAL MESSAGE Visions of Nature A Vision of Nature Voices in the Forest Goddess Kristina Kali |